Computer components are the parts of the computer.
There are two types of computer components:
- Input devices
- Output devices
Input devices as components of computer
Input devices are the devices those allow us to input commands or insert data in a computer.
Two types of inputs are which we use to enter data in a computer:
- Direct input
- Indirect input
Direct input – it is a method of entering data directly to a computer with the help of source data entry devices like mic, camera, scanners etc.
Indirect input – it is a method in which we cannot enter data directly, but we can enter the data after intermediate handling. Normally we us mouse and keyboard as devices in this method.
Uses of input device
Input devices are the devices that we use to input to give commands or enter data in a computer.In these devices we insert programs or data which we can use by the computer to do processing.
Output devices as components of computer
Output devices are the devices that give us output of the insert data in the form of usable stuff, so it can be easy for the user to understand it and get its benefits, this is known as output process. The commonly used devices are speakers which are used to hear sound, Printers used to print anything on paper, and Monitor to view the screen output.
Types of outputs
There are many types of outputs and they are divided into two categories:
- Hardcopy output
- Softcopy output
Hardcopy output is the one in which there is no chance of losing data when your device if off. The outputs is in hard form so they stays even after if the device is turned off.
The devices used for hardcopy outputs are printers, plotters etc.
Softcopy output is the one in which the output data is not permanent, As it is losted when the device is turned off. Softcopy outputs are like we have outputs of computer screen in the form of picture/video and audio output like which we gets from speakers. These are tangible but we cannot touch these outputs.
The commonly used softcopy output devices are:
Also Read : Introduction of computer.